
Filters are the most powerful tool in Parcelify. They allow you to set rules around when a shipping rate should be displayed to a customer based off of what’s in the cart and where the items are being shipped to. Filters are broken down into three parts: field, verb and value.


Parcelify offers product and destination address fields, which can be used to set conditions on whether or not a rate should be displayed to a customer.

Destination address fields:

  • Address line 1
  • Address line 2
  • Company name
  • City
  • State / Province 2-letter code
  • Country 2 letter code
  • Zip / Postal Code

Product fields:

  • Product name
  • Product SKU
  • Vendor name
  • Product tag
  • Product type
  • Collection


Verbs let Parcelify know how you want the filter to match the fields. You can select from a varient of options, each which match the field and verb together differently.

  • Regular expression
  • Include
  • Exclude
  • Equal
  • Start with
  • End with


Include is used to when you want to the customer to see the rate if the field contains the values entered in the value field at all.


Exclude is used when you want the rate to display when the field doesn’t contain the values in the value text box.


Equal will make a rate show if any of the values in the value text box are an exact match to the field selected.

Start with:

Start with will make the rate show if the field selected starts with any of the values entered in the value text box

End with:

End with will make the rate show if the field selected ends with any of the values entered in the value text box

Regular Experession:

Reserved for advanced users, the regular expressions verb allows you to write complex filters. Often used for dealing with postal codes in the UK, where postal code formatting is the most complex.


The value field is where you enter what you want the field to match. Enter values seperated by a |. Technically all verbs are regular expressions, however we recommend entering in the simplest values you can into this field


In the example above Products with a SKU starts with R1 or S1 would match.